BUFORD — Gwinnett County Police responded to a reported stabbing at a house in the 200 block of Latimore Ave. on the evening of August 3.

Police found the victim, Kiana Coleman, sitting in the roadway in front of the house with a shirt tied around her left arm and blood on her clothes. While officers on the scene provided medical attention, Coleman accused Sylvia Gladmon, who was standing in the driveway next door, of stabbing her.

Coleman said she left Tannery Row earlier that evening via Uber, arriving at Gladmon’s house. She said Gladmon sells alcohol out of her house and she went there to “buy a shot.” While there, she got into an argument with Gladmon who, according to Coleman, “likes younger men,” specifically the same man Coleman is interested in. Gladmon is in her mid-60s, Coleman in her mid-30s.

Gladmon said Coleman frequently visits her house but is not welcome there and has been told repeatedly to leave. Gladmon said her son let Coleman into the house that night, sparking the argument between the two women, when Coleman grabbed her hair and began dragging her backwards, reenacting this to officers by showing herself being pulled back by her hair. Gladmon said she then picked up “something,” an unknown item, and hit Coleman with it by swinging it in a slashing motion.

When officers asked Gladmon how she could have swung what was obviously a knife at Coleman if she was pulling her hair from behind, she then said she was not pulled backwards but was pulled forward by her hair and Coleman was directly in front of her. Gladmon said she ran next door to use her neighbor’s phone to call police immediately after the incident. Police found the weapon, a folding pocket knife, on the ground where Gladmon was standing in the driveway.

Additionally, Gladmon said while she was being pulled by Coleman a friend of hers named “Blue” was there and tried to separate the two. She also said her son was there and witnessed the fight. Neither witness was present when police arrived, and Gladmon said neither one had a phone and if they did, she didn’t know their numbers.

Coleman was transported to Gwinnett Medical Center and treated for puncture stab wounds. Gladmon was arrested and charged with aggravated assault. The identity of the young man who is the object of the two women’s affection is unknown at this time.

— Staff Reports

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