WHAT: As part of the I-85 Widening project, Georgia Department of Transportation construction partners will open all lanes of I-85 in both directions between Hamilton Mill Road in Gwinnett County and SR 211 in Barrow County.

Roadway improvements have been completed in this area. Work will continue in both directions between SR 211 and SR 53 in Jackson County. The I-85 Widening project is the first Major Mobility Investment Program (MMIP) project to break ground.

WHEN: Friday, October 25, 2019

WHERE: I-85 northbound and southbound between Hamilton Mill Road (Exit 120) and SR 211 (Exit 126)

Advisory: Drivers are advised to obey posted speed limits and traffic control measures inside the project limits. Additional information about the I-85 Widening project can be found at http://www.dot.ga.gov/BS/Projects/SpecialProjects/I85WideningI985SR53.

The Georgia Department of Transportation is committed to providing a safe, seamless, and sustainable transportation system that supports Georgia’s economy and is sensitive to both its citizens and its environment. For more information on Georgia DOT, please visit www.dot.ga.gov. You also may follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/GeorgiaDOT) and Twitter (http://twitter.com/gadeptoftrans).
WHAT: As part of the I-85 Widening project, Georgia Department of Transportation construction partners will open all lanes of I-85 in both directions between Hamilton Mill Road in Gwinnett County and SR 211 in Barrow County.
Roadway improvements have been completed in this area. Work will continue in both directions between SR 211 and SR 53 in Jackson County. The I-85 Widening project is the first Major Mobility Investment Program (MMIP) project to break ground.
WHEN: Friday, October 25, 2019
WHERE: I-85 northbound and southbound between Hamilton Mill Road (Exit 120) and SR 211 (Exit 126)
Advisory: Drivers are advised to obey posted speed limits and traffic control measures inside the project limits. Additional information about the I-85 Widening project can be found at http://www.dot.ga.gov/BS/Projects/SpecialProjects/I85WideningI985SR53.
The Georgia Department of Transportation is committed to providing a safe, seamless, and sustainable transportation system that supports Georgia’s economy and is sensitive to both its citizens and its environment. For more information on Georgia DOT, please visit www.dot.ga.gov. You also may follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/GeorgiaDOT) and Twitter (http://twitter.com/gadeptoftrans).

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