October 23, 2019 – Dr. Robert Downs, Buford City Schools Superintendent, announced the district’s Teacher of the Year today.
The 2020 Buford City Schools Teacher of the Year is Maggie Pruitt, who teaches Special Education at Buford High School.
“I do not envy the difficult decision our esteemed panel of judges had to make in selecting who should be the 2020 Teacher of the Year,” Buford City Schools Superintendent Dr. Robert Downs said. “The dedication these outstanding educators show for teaching makes it very clear that this is more than a job for them, it’s their passion.”

Lindsey Allen, Buford High School’s principal, remarked, “Mrs. Pruitt gives everything she has not just prepare her students for life after high school, but she pours into them all the love she has to give.” He added, “This year might be a little tough for her because she is extremely humble and does not like to have attention on her. We know she will represent our school and district well at the state level.”
2020 Buford City Schools Teacher of the Year Finalists
Katie Neal – Buford Elementary School
Twila Minshew – Buford Academy
Laura Laws – Buford Senior Academy
Lauren Larson – Buford Middle School
Maggie Pruitt – Buford High School
—Staff Reports