Of all the exciting milestones during the 180-day academic calendar, one of the most confidence building and fun for younger students and teachers alike is, perhaps, the 100th day; the day that signifies being over halfway to the end of the school year. Many elementary schools have a special dress-up day to commemorate and celebrate the achievement, beginning the countdown to summer vacation. Like the little engine that could, the halls seem to swell with a sense of “I think I can, I think I can” (make it to Day 180) when that magical Day 100 crests the hill.
Buford City Schools celebrated its 100th day Thursday, Jan. 20. Some of the lower grades had students dressing up as 100 year olds, while other grades adopted the “rock stars” theme as students and teachers dressed up in colorful and eccentric clothing and accessories in congratulations for rocking the school year.

Buford Academy teacher Natalie Brackett shared how teachers used the day to create learning opportunities, saying, “Some of our third grade teachers read about schools 100 years ago compared to now.”
According to Buford Academy first grade teacher Bonnie Harper, “Our younger Wolves enjoyed snack time featuring one donut stick and two mini-donuts, combined to form a 100.”
Gwinnett County Schools celebrated its 100th day Friday, Jan. 21. Students at North Gwinnett and Lanier cluster schools also dressed up and celebrated. At Sugar Hill Elementary, the first grade department collected 100 cans per classroom to donate to the North Gwinnett Co-op.
Cathy O’Rouke, administrative assistant to the principal at Sugar Hill Elementary said, “Our first grade students are not only helping the community, but on Monday and Tuesday, they will also be counting and sorting the collected items as a curriculum enhancement activity.”
The collection for the North Gwinnett Co-op is a yearly activity for students at Sugar Hill Elementary who support the community in various ways throughout the school year — but especially on the annual 100th day of school.
Sugar Hill Christian Academy will celebrate its 100th day Tuesday, Jan. 25. According to the school’s administration, the kindergarteners plan to dress up as 100 year olds, enjoy 100-calorie snacks for snack time and will practice their skills by making 100-noodle necklaces. They will also write about what they think they will be doing when they turn 100.
Congratulations to these students for rocking 100 days of school this year, and keep on a’ rocking! We think you can — we know you can make it to the end of the school year and finish strong!
FEATURED PHOTO: Sam Nordholtz enjoys a 100 day snack with a donut stick one and two donut zeroes on Thursday, Jan. 20, 2022, at Buford Academy. Photo courtesy of Bonnie Harper.