Georgia Grown to Go Drive-through Farmer’s Market

LAWRENCEVILLE — The Georgia Department of Agriculture’s next Georgia Grown to Go drive-through farmer’s market will be held at Coolray Field located at 2500 Buford Drive in Lawrenceville on Wednesday, May 27 from 3 to 7 p.m.

The Georgia Grown to Go market allows for the public to purchase quality Georgia Grown produce and other Georgia Grown products all while following the CDC’s social distancing guidelines.  Shoppers never leave their cars in this drive-through market with their purchases being placed in produce boxes directly into their trunks.  Cash, credit, or debit payment options are available.  Pre-orders are available at a discounted rate until noon on Tuesday, May 27 by visiting    

“Georgia Grown To Go is an innovative program with multiple benefits,” said Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners Chairman Charlotte Nash. “It helps farmers stay in business during these difficult times by providing them with a direct market. It helps the consumer – our residents – by providing them with fresh, healthy produce that they can pick up and take home with limited exposure to others. And it keeps money in the state, which provides a welcome boost to our economy. It’s a win-win-win scenario. We appreciate the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s bringing such a creative solution to Gwinnett. I’m sure it will be well-used.” 

Our team has been working diligently with community leaders to connect our farmers who have tended their crops all season long to supply safe and nutritious food for our consumers in need of delicious Georgia Grown products,” said Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary W. Black.  “Each event is unique to the community it serves and would not be possible without the vision and collaboration of local government and non-profit partners.” 

This event benefits the community in several ways.  People are able to buy fresh Georgia Grown products that can be difficult to obtain in the current retail market due to COVID-19 and they can do so in a controlled safer environment.  The event will utilize the operations staff of the Gwinnett Stripers which provides these staff members with work hours.  Also, people can buy a box to donate to a neighbor or a local charity.  This event is working with the Gwinnett Cares organization which will distribute the donations to local non-profits, co-ops, and faith-based facilities.

The Georgia Grown to Go market is part of the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s “Buy Georgia Grown, Now More Than Ever” campaign.  This campaign encourages people to ask for Georgia Grown products. 

The market will take place rain or shine.   For more information on produce offerings, pricing and upcoming events, please visit  

— Staff Reports

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