January 27, 2020 — Chairman Phillip Beard called the January 2020 Buford Board of Education meeting to order at 7 p.m. at the Central Office. Following the Pledge, the BHS Varsity Football team was recognized for their outstanding season which ended with bringing home another State Championship to Buford. The team received a standing ovation and praise from both the audience and Board. The agenda and December 2019 meeting minutes were approved. The current financial operating balance as of Dec. 31 is $10,621,017.83.
A change order for the new BHS was approved. The final payment on the new BHS was approved in the amount of $48,334.00 to Charles Black Construction. A pay request for BES to BJ’s Mechanical Co. for $6,986.00 was approved. The Board approved a pay request for wrestling mats for the new BHS payable to Resilite Wrestling Mats for $22,282,76.
The Board approved a total of nine field trip requests, 10 fundraiser requests, and one community service project. Mrs. Reed briefly explained the Federal Programs Cross Functional Monitoring. The school system is undergoing extensive auditing in order to still qualify for Federal programs.
The principals gave their monthly reports. BES has an enrollment of 375. They have conducted five tuition interest tours with a total of 119 applicants. Feb. 7 is the kickoff of their major fundraiser, the Wolf-a-thon. BA has an enrollment of 1,178 students. Dr. Smith recently conducted professional learning for staff. Another All Pro Dads meeting was successful as was the 100th Day of School. They too will participate in the Wolf-a-thon and the pep rally on Feb. 7. BSA has an enrollment of 806 students. Staff had professional learning days. They had fun with the 100th Day of School and along with BA had a successful All Pro Dads. Their science fair had 81 participants and their spelling bee winner, a fifth-grader beat all others to go on to the region. BMS has an enrollment of 1,225. They are focusing on character development for students school-wide focusing on being a better person. Basketball is winding down. They have four students selected for All-State Chorus and three for All-State Band. BHS has an enrollment of 1,512. The theatre department has been invited to perform at a prestigious event held at Berry College. The Chamber Chorus performed last Saturday in Athens at the GMEA event and was Dr. Fowler’s last. $8,000 was raised for CHOA by clubs at the school. Riflery remains undefeated. Baseball’s opening day and the first game in their recently renovated field is Feb. 8. BHS’s National Signing Day event is Feb. 4 at 7 p.m. at the BHS PAC.
Following the regular meeting business, the audience was given the chance to voice concerns, etc. The meeting was well attended as parents wished to address the resignation of former BHS principal Mr. Lindsey Allen. With the high turnover of the last four years of principals at BHS, parents are not happy with the turnover and stress to the Board to create stability within the school. Parents were upset over the circumstances as they had heard that he did not really resign for personal reasons as the email sent to parents from the school system stated. Parents urged the Board to explain but both Mr. Beard and Dr. Downs declined to comment stating that they could not discuss personnel matters. Dr. Downs explained the hiring process for a new principal. Mr. Beard said that they will first consider applicants from within the school system before moving to outside applicants.
Mr. Beard adjourned the meeting moving the Board into an Executive Session. The next Board of Education meeting is on February 24 at noon at the BCS Central Office.
— Staff Reports