GAINESVILLE — Deputies with the Hall County Sheriff’s Office caught up to a woman who is accused of stealing from a Gainesville church.
On Saturday, May 2 at approximately 1:45 p.m., Hall County Deputies arrested Stacy Lynne Richardson, age 36 at her Gainesville residence located in the 2400 block of Webb Girth Road. Richardson has been charged with two felonies, theft by deception and computer trespass.

An investigation was launched into Richardson following a theft call that took place on April 25 at Chicopee Baptist Church. Church officials had recently noticed numerous fraudulent charges on the church’s credit card.
According to the initial investigation, Richardson had worked as the church’s administrative assistant and handled the church’s financial bookkeeping. Her position was eliminated on April 14.
Investigators found that Richardson had made multiple charges on the church’s credit card totaling up to approximately $163,000. These charges occurred over a five-year period beginning in January of 2015 while Richardson was employed at the church.
Richardson attempted to cover her tracks after she was no longer employed at the church. On April 22, investigators found that she had remotely accessed the church’s computer system with the intention of deleting files.
She was released from the Hall County Jail on Monday afternoon, May 4 on $8,450 bond.
This case remains under investigation by the Hall County Sheriff’s Office.
— Staff Reports