By Amy Davis

In every direction, voices roar; students of all ages sit intermingled in the bleachers; new-age music helps inspire energy within the crowd; this is what a true family looks like; this is Buford United! On Monday 11, 2019, the Buford Arena housed the first ever Buford United Pep Rally, displaying how strong this community is despite all the hardships we’ve faced this past year.
Buford organizations of all kinds came to support their town by performing for the student congregation. Buford High School’s drumline, cheerleaders, recent state basketball champions, and the dance department gave us a pep rally unlike any we’ve had before. With their enthusiasm and encouragement, the crowd joined together in cheers and dancing alike.

During the pep rally, an acronym flashed across the board while Coach Appling (the new head Buford High School football coach) spoke to the crowd about who they are as a community. “SOUL – Selflessness, Ownership, Unity, and a Larger Purpose.” These are the elements that go into making a great team and an even better family. Buford is lucky to have such great staff members who can take principles from star athletes (like the man who came up with SOUL, Tony Dungy), and teach the students how to excel in everything they do.
Although the crowd was radiating natural energy, the night wouldn’t have been the same without the pep rally’s announcer – Blake Eason. He led interactive games and pumped up the students with his raw spirit. Not only was Blake there, but Auburn University’s very own Ronnie Brown (a football player) came to share his experiences with the upcoming Buford generations. He testified about hard work and gave the audience insight into how he made a few of his life decisions. Ronnie’s advice couldn’t have been better, encouraging our students to be the best they can be. Ending the pep rally with a heartfelt prayer, Coach Snell finished the night on a high note.
The event ran smoothly from beginning to end and we can thank all the staff involved who contributed to the success of this event as well as the guest emcee Blake Eason, special guest Ronnie Brown, Buford FCA organization, BHS Cheerleaders, BHS Drum Line, and the BHS Dance Team.
Between the music and the cheers, the fun games, and the dancing – this event was incredibly entertaining. We can expect a wonderful ending to the school year after this revitalizing event, and hopefully, there will be another annual Buford United pep rally next year. After tonight, I believe everyone can relate when I say, “We are Buford United”!