
What do parents really need to know about back-to-school at Buford City School System as we head back to the buildings?

There are hundreds of details that have gone into planning the 2021-2022 school year, and everyone is eager and excited to welcome students back into Buford City Schools’ classrooms. Buford City Schools’ administration and staff are committed to keeping everyone safe as the new year begins. COVID-19 safety protocols have been updated and shared with parents and the community. Protocols will continue to be tweaked as new information is available from the Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

What community members, parents and general passers-by might not know is the amount of quality attention and care poured into the planning process long before we utter the words “back to school.”  

Each of the five schools in our system has its own information-packed website and a service-oriented front desk staff ready to assist. Leadership teams work during the summer months to coordinate every detail for our students. 

Most important to our school board, executive leadership, faculty and staff is keeping the main thing the main thing. We believe our purpose is to empower students to become globally competitive, critical thinkers, innovative problem solvers, responsible individuals and productive citizens. Not a small task and not something that can be done in a single day or week, this idea of building excellence happens each and every day with every ritual and routine that our leadership team models for our educators.

Buford City Schools wants you to know that when your student loads up on one of the buses in the morning or hops out of the car to enter one of the school buildings, they are our entire purpose — their success and their experience is what we commit ourselves to every day.

Welcome back to school. Go Wolves! 

— Katie Strickland, strategic communications director for Buford City School and contributing writer to the North Gwinnett Voice 


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