The Kiwanis Club of North Gwinnett has two large events in February. The first event is the 12th annual Father-Daughter Valentine Dance. There are three dances for people to choose from with the first one on February 7 from 7 to 9 p.m. There will be two dances on February 8 from 5 to 7 p.m. and 8 to 10 p.m. The dances will be held in the ballroom at the Buford Community Center located at 2200 Buford Highway in Buford.
The dances are the Kiwanis Club’s main fundraiser in which the club awards local high school seniors college scholarships. Their dances are open to daughters of all ages from little bitty on up to adults. The dance is an annual tradition for many families and even after becoming an adult, the daughter and her father return each year.
The dances fill up fast so don’t delay in purchasing tickets if you are interested. Tickets are $60 per father-daughter couple and $10 for each additional daughter. For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit https://www.bigtickets.com/events/ngkc/father-daughter-valentine-dance-2020.
The Kiwanis Club is an active supporter of Home of Hope at the Gwinnett Children’s Shelter. The club is hosting a donation drive on February 11 from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Tannery Row Ale House located at 554 W. Main Street in Buford.
The Home of Hope shelter is in desperate need of the following items: Bagless vacuum cleaners, batteries, medicine (cold, cough, and flu), light bulbs, air fresheners, and individualized snacks (chips, pretzels, etc). Please consider shopping for any of these items and then drop off your donated items at Tannery Row on February 11.
For more information on the Home of Hope, visit https://homeofhopegcs.org/.
Follow the Kiwanis Club of North Gwinnett on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/KiwanisNorthGwinnett/ or on their website at http://northgwinnettkiwanis.com/.