The first week of school at Buford High has come and gone, leaving in its wake a general feeling of excitement mingled with a touch of anxiety for seniors and freshmen alike. As a senior, walking through the doors of the brand new high school seemed like something out of a dream, and that was before I fully grasped that this chapter of my life was quickly coming to a close. Nevertheless, it was easy to feel like a freshman while navigating the new halls. 

The three impressive buildings- Performing Arts, Academic, and Athletic- make up a massive activity space for students to traverse. More than once, I found myself wandering into the wrong building or realizing I was roaming in search of a class on the third floor rather than the second. My friends quickly concluded that I should not be the person to lead the way as I had pointed us in the wrong direction several times. The most comforting thing about feeling lost, however, is knowing you are not the only one who feels it. Students, old and new, rallied around each other in this period of change, helping and encouraging one another. 

Despite the sometimes confusing process of mapping the halls of the new building, it is easy to see that both students and teachers are excited about all of the new possibilities at the school. In the short time, I have explored the campus, I already find myself grateful for access to resources such as the Media Center and the Commons Area. I love the wide windows and spaciousness that characterize both rooms; I would be lying if I said I had not already checked out a book from the library and enjoyed sitting in a booth reserved for seniors only.

Attending Buford almost feels like we’re in “High School Musical,” a movie I watched throughout my childhood in hopes of having similar experiences when I finally became an upperclassman. While there is a serious lack of flash mobs and musical numbers, Buford High School’s facilities rival the movie worthy East High. I count myself lucky to be a student there, able to experience all that Buford High School has to offer.

— By Regan Saunders, Buford City Schools student intern

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