Staff Reports

February 11, 2019 – Sugar Hill Mayor Steve Edwards called the February Sugar Hill Council meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at Sugar Hill City Hall. Boy scouts from troops 545 and 1534 led the meeting attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. After the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation were said, the agenda and minutes from past meetings and work sessions were approved.
Council member Mark Cohen announced that the Kiwanis Club Art Contest was coming up. For more info visit He also told attendees to stop by the art gallery in city hall periodically as new artists would be on display soon. Council member Taylor Anderson praised the Kiwanis Club of North Gwinnett for the Father-Daughter dance they hold annually at the Buford Community Center. Council member Brandon Hembree reminded everyone to be at city hall on February 12th from 6-8 p.m. to learn about the transit referendum that proposes to bring Marta to the county. Join the local Girl Scouts at the next downtown Sugar Hill Clean Up Day on February 23rd from 2-5 p.m. On March 2nd and 9th, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., the Suwanee Creek chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will be holding a clean up at the Calloway family cemetery located at Suwanee Dam Road and Buford Dam Road. Volunteers are asked to join them to help clean up the historic cemetery.
City Clerk, Jane Whittington said that the city issued 258 passports and 27 new business licenses in January. She said that the city will hold their own special referendum vote on March 19th. The vote will be whether to allow Sunday sales of distilled spirits or alcoholic beverages for beverage purposes by the drink between 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For more information visit
Local artist Drew Dylan was appointed to the Art Commission. A variance was approved for UNOVA Properties LLC at 431 Brogdon Road for the construction of a gravel parking lot. This was approved with conditions. The council approved the adoption of the new 2019 Comprehensive Plan Update. A zoning ordinance amendment was approved adopting a new zoning map. A change order was approved for the Stormwater CIPP lining project. The original method of lining existing culvert pipes was no longer feasible due to advanced pipe deterioration. A memorandum of understanding in connection with the Downtown Development Project was approved. The memorandum is for the old community center. The city has someone interested in buying the property and this memorandum allows for the DDA to enter into negotiations on the city’s behalf.
This concluded the regular meeting. The council and staff went into an executive session.