
A Buford Waffle House has failed its most recent health inspection with a score of 54.

Waffle House #2175, located at 1935 Braselton Highway, underwent a routine inspection conducted by the Georgia Department of Public Health on Thursday, June 27. During the assessment, the inspector observed the following risk factors that could contribute to potential foodborne illness and took the listed corrective actions, if applicable:

  • Observed employee handle trash can and then return to handling food without changing gloves. — Employee changed gloves and washed hands before continuing to handle food.
  • Observed an employee change gloves without washing hands between handling raw eggs and ready to eat bread. — The inspector instructed employee to wash hands in addition to changing gloves between tasks.
  • Observed prep cooler not in proper adjustment, inadequately holding food inside above 41 degrees. Corrective action should be taken to address this issue by July 6.
  • Observed multiple spray chemical cans stored above soda syrups. — Spray cans were moved away from food items.
  • Observed multiple sanitizer containers and soap containers not clearly labeled with common English name labels of contents. — Labels were added to product containers.
  • Observed salt, pepper, margarine and oil containers used without common English name labels. — Labels were added to food item containers.
  • Observed multiple stacks of American cheese holding above 41 degrees. — Cheese was discarded.
  • Observed multiple cups stored as clean, stacked when still wet. — Cups were rewashed, then separated and allowed to air dry.
  • Observed multiple employee drinks in unapproved containers, including water bottles or coffee cups with no lids and straws, on prep counters and drink storage area. — Drinks were removed from storage area and prep counter.
  • Observed door to men’s restroom without self-closing doors. Corrective action should be taken by July 6.

View the full inspection report, icnluding additional violations, here.

A follow-up inspection is set to be conducted within 10 days.

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