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A Buford resident was robbed at gunpoint while working in a shed on his property, according to an incident report from the Gwinnett County Police Department. 

The incident occurred about 1:15 p.m. Wednesday, May 19, at a residence on Maddox Road, where the victim was approached by a black male. The suspect pointed a gun at the victim and said, “Give me your phone and wallet.” When the victim refused, the suspect started pushing him around. When the suspect racked the slide on his “glock-like” pistol, placing a round in the chamber, the victim gave up his wallet and phone. The suspect then fled.

The victim said he thought the suspect was on foot as he didn’t hear a vehicle. The suspect is described as a “tall and slim” black male wearing a blue shirt, dark colored pants and carrying a backpack. The suspect’s face was covered in a ski mask style covering that hid everything but his eyes. The victim was unable to determine how old the suspect might have been. 

A pest control service provider arrived at the victim’s residence shortly after the incident and found the stolen phone and wallet near the woodline behind the victim’s house. The only items taken from the wallet were $20 bills amounting to about $200 in cash. 

During the altercation, the victim suffered a laceration on the left side of his face. He refused transport to a hospital for treatment.

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