By Amy Davis

Read Across America! It’s a movement to inspire younger students to read and enjoy all the fun reading brings! Buford Elementary School spent this week playing games and even dressing up as their favorite storybook characters! No doubt, these kids had a blast!
Activities like “We’ve Been BOOKED!” and other little games helped the students fall in love with everything around reading! In “We’ve Been BOOKED!”, the teachers would sit down with their kids and read to them. Upon reading and talking a little about the book, a sign was put on their door exclaiming that they’d been “BOOKED”! It was so successful throughout every class that the school plans on continuing this activity for the rest of the year!
Of course, the students also played decoding games or stacking games based on the books involved. If the students were in kindergarten, they read Ten Apples Up on Top by Dr. Seuss then stacked ten cups on top of each other! It was harder than the students thought it would be, yet they continued despite how challenging the game was!
On the other hand, first grade played a decoding game. A letter was read to them about Thing 1 and Thing 2 losing their locker combination! There were five locks on a box and the hat from Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat and a special treat were found inside once the kids figured out the coded combination! The students then sat down and Lana Nix (Buford Elementary’s Media Specialist) read them her favorite Dr. Seuss story There’s a Wocket in my Pocket.
Each day leading up to Friday’s senior visit, there was a twisty and seussical theme! Tuesday was Hat Day, then Wacky Wednesday, and Thursday being Character Dress-Up Day! The last day wasn’t strictly a Dr. Seuss character dress-up, but any character from a book the students had read!

Ending this week with a bang, the Buford High School seniors who’ve been in the school system since kindergarten (a.k.a. lifetimers) came to read to the younger students. They read many Dr. Seuss books such as Green Eggs and Ham, Cat in the Hat, and Oh! the Places You’ll Go! Both the seniors and the elementary school students had immense amounts of fun while also learning at the same time! What else could be asked of them?