“Every year in improv, there’s always something that happens in a scene that is pure comedy gold”
Improv: unexpected, unruly, and most always, unimaginably hilarious. This past weekend, the Improv Troupe – comprised of students from BHS’s The Wolf Pack Players – took the stage for the annual improv show. Led by their instructor, professional actor/improvisor Jamie Moore, the two hour show explores several improvisation games, fueled by audience interaction, for a completely unique show that will, as Jamie stated at the beginning of the show, “never be replicated, never be reproduced, and never be seen again”. The actors then set the scene and hilarity ensued.
“Every year in improv, there’s always something that happens in a scene that is pure comedy gold,” says Trevor Dodge, a long-time member of the improv troupe. “Simply put, [improv is] a healthy combination of structure and chaos. Our instructor, Jamie Moore, leads us in games and gives us feedback, but we’re free to laugh and just be ourselves.”
Improv allows the students to take charge of scenes and make them their own through in-the-moment characters and lines. It takes a confident and talented actor to make these scenes cohesive, and takes a lot of practice. “Through improv, I have learned to take risks and speak up for myself,” said Jeanette Beltrán, another member of the troupe, “I was very shy when I first started my freshman year. This after school activity has been the highlight of my Mondays and has provided me with a friend group throughout high school. I am very grateful.” Ryan Costello agreed: “Drama in general has made me into a more sociable person, but improv has made me really good at being able to step out of my comfort zone,” he said. “I’m a lot more confident that I used to be.”
“ I will always remember the people, Jamie especially. All of them are awesome and hilarious people that are always able to make me smile.”
Improv will, according to the students, always hold a place in their hearts. “Near the end of the show, Jamie got up and said some really amazing things about all the seniors,” said Ryan. “He was moved to tears and at first, I thought he was joking, because I had never seen that side of him. But it was really genuine and sincere.”
When asked what she will take away from improv, Jeanette said she would always remember the phrase ‘accept every offer’. “It has to do with scene work, but can also be applied towards life, as it is highly unpredictable. There are individuals who fight change, but for the most part, you have to accept what is given to you and work with it.”
“Improv is really near and dear to me,” said Trevor Dodge. “The small size of the class makes it feel more like a family, and it touches my heart. I could never leave the class.”