By Nida Merchant

The North Gwinnett High School Dance and Visual Art departments opened their doors to “Art in Motion.” This unique event between the school’s two prestigious departments was a huge success and elicited a variety of emotions for each participant, on stage and off.
Fine Arts teacher Karen Cambell’s AP Studio Art students and her Drawing and Painting II students collaborated with the school’s Dance Department to create some memorable moments. Student dancers and choreographers met with the visual art students to explain the emotions, music, and costumes behind each dance. The art students then expressed those ideas through abstract expressionist paintings.
Though the event was presented for three days (April 17-19) the finale was almost completely overbooked as students and parents excitedly ran into the auditorium waiting for the show to begin.
Once the curtain rose, the audience saw a beautiful piece of artwork adorning the stage as the performers and artists brought the piece to life. From their graceful choreography to their eloquent costumes, the students displayed their artistic talents.
Each piece of artwork was crafted so intricately and each step of the dancers was so well executed that the audience was stunned with the talent presented before them.
During the final performance, a few of the artists were brought to the stage as the dancers moved in sync with the artists’ paintbrushes, truly bringing art into motion.
As the curtain closed and the artists and dancers bowed, the audience erupted in applause as students then rushed off stage to meet their dear ones.
Seniors shed tears as they said goodbye to one of their last performances at North Gwinnett, and parents beamed with happiness as their child walked to them.
“Art in Motion” was a collaboration of two fantastic organizations at North Gwinnett which brought forth an event that has never been seen at the school. The effort presented by the students involved was highlighted throughout the program and has started a legacy in upcoming years for all students.
Perhaps teamwork does make a true dreamwork — at least at North Gwinnett High School.