OAKWOOD — The Hall County Sheriff’s Office Investigators arrested an Oakwood man on Thursday night, September 26 for sending obscene photos to a minor. The man is a teacher at West Hall Middle School.
“On Thursday morning, the parent of a Hall County student contacted a Hall County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Officer to report allegations of inappropriate digital communication from a teacher to a student,” said Derreck Booth, Information Officer for the Hall County Sheriff’s Office. “Sheriff’s Office Detectives immediately began an investigation, working in tandem with School Resource Officers and Hall County School District personnel.”
The investigation found that William David Bagwell, age 33 of Oakwood is a teacher at West Hall Middle School sent a photo of his genitals to a 14-year old female student through social media. The investigators in this case obtained a warrant for his arrest and he was arrested around 10 p.m. Thursday night.
Bagwell is charged with electronically furnishing obscene material to a minor. He remained in the Hall County Jail without bond on Friday morning, September 27, pending a first appearance hearing.
The case remains under investigation by the Hall County Sheriff’s Office.
— Staff Reports