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Buford students celebrate books with Read Across America Week

Buford City Schools celebrated Read Across America Week this past week in the elementary school, academy and senior academy. Read Across America Week is a tradition in elementary schools across the country to celebrate reading and the birthday of legendary children’s author Dr. Seuss. Last week, each of the Buford schools celebrated with unique activities that all encouraged reading and an appreciation for literature. 

Some of the activities included dressing in specific festive fashions. Monday was Wear Red, White and Blue Day. On Tuesday, students participated in Dress Your Best Day, when they were encouraged to wear dressy clothes. Wednesday was Hat Day, and Thursday was Camo Day. The week concluded with students bringing their favorite books that they have read and dressing up as their favorite characters. 

Of course, some of the usual celebrations were affected by the pandemic, but that did not stop Buford’s teachers from making sure students had a good time. At the academy, one of the teachers held a mystery reader day where she had parents call in and read a book to the class. All of the students were eager and excited to hear if it was one of their parents. The mystery reader idea was a huge hit as the students loved to hear the parents read their favorite stories over the phone. The idea was a great way of adapting to the pandemic and still making sure the students had fun.

Another difference between this year’s celebrations and the typical traditions was the Lifetimers parade. Traditionally, the Senior Lifetimers from BHS parade through the elementary school, and then they return to their kindergarten teacher’s classroom where they read to the students. This year however, the pandemic restricted the activities so the Lifetimers were unable to read to the kindergarteners. However, the Seniors were still able to have a quick parade through the Elementary School where the kindergarten teachers and students cheered and congratulated them.

Read Across America Week is an exciting time for young students at Buford City Schools. Unfortunately, the celebrations this year were restricted by the pandemic, but students and teachers alike were able to overcome those obstacles presented to them to ensure a successful celebration of reading at Buford.

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