The Buford Varsity Boys Basketball team left Buford on Christmas Day to travel to Bristol, Tennessee to compete in the Arby’s Classic Tournament. The tournament runs from December 26-31, 2018. The tournament draws top notch teams from around the southeast to compete.

On the 26th, Buford took on Bristol, Tennessee’s hometown team of Tennessee High and came away the victor with a 51 – 45 win. Buford beat Tennessee High on the boards. Getting more rebounds. After the end of that game, reporters remarked about Buford’s dunking abilities. One reporter tweeted “I hope all these guys from @BufordAthletics @Buford_MBB are in the @arbysclassic Dick Sporting Goods Dunk Contest … Holy Shesh!”
Buford’s second game of the tournament was on Friday night against a South Carolina top 10 team, Cardinal Newman. The Wolves took down Cardinal Newman 55 – 44.
They will play in the semifinals Saturday night at 7 p.m. against Carmel Christian from North Carolina. Carmel Christian is ranked #22 by USA Today High School Sports. This should really test the Wolves.
Go Wolves!