On January 31 and February 1, Buford High School Dance had its second-semester performance through their “A Night at the Movies” themed show. Dancers, freshmen through seniors from intro to advanced levels took the stage in a spectacular show with music from commonly known movies such as “Pitch Perfect”, “Skyfall”, “Space Jam”, “Shrek”, and many more.
Buford High School is nestled in a comfortable and caring community of residents who have supported their city for generations. Children have always felt supported and cared for by adults and teachers, allowing them to grow and prosper into not only successful but happy human beings.
“I think we have the most supportive school board, school system, and administration, as well as, community in the State of Georgia. I truly believe that our community comes out in droves to support our students and what they can do,” says choreographer Ashley Smith on how the dance program and its students are supported by the community. She adds, “In the end, it is not my goal to turn all my students into professional dancers but I would like them to leave with the respect towards the art of dance and to feel loved and supported by everyone around them”.
Audience members enjoyed a high energy, fast-paced show with several moments allowing them to connect with the performers. Proud parents and family members were in attendance and fully engaged throughout the show. “My sons love the dance program here at Buford. I know that my sophomore looks forward to dance the most during his school day and it is by far his favorite class. Ashley (Smith) works so hard for this program and she loves all of her students,” claims Ann Riza, a mother of two boys in the Intermediate 2 and Intro Dance classes.
For a few select students, this is their senior year, meaning their last dance show of their high school careers. “It’s just so bizarre since I have always been the baby, I’ve had two older sisters who graduated from the theatre and band programs here and I think what I’m going to miss the most is the people and the community here,” says Jesse Hanks, a senior who is also a part of Buford’s musical theatre program.
“I came back into the dressing room after our finale and everyone was piling up behind me and I just kind of started to cry because I have such a connection with this place and I’m going to miss it so much,” states Hope Fowler, a senior who is a part of chamber choir, theatre, and dance at Buford High School.
With such a wonderful and strong community to support these students in whatever they may want to pursue, these students are sure to go far and achieve many things in their future. It is guaranteed that the Buford community’s parents, administrators, and school officials will continue to support the “Triple A Excellence” standards for many years to come.
— By Anoshka Ramkumar